FAMILY BASED SERVICESIn collaboration with the Old Colony YMCA resources and the network of human service agencies in the Greater Brockton area, the Family Based Services Program is dedicated to providing family stabilization and support through effective advocacy. The program addresses individual needs of each child and the needs of the family. Family Based Services provides three separate programs staffed with youth care advocates: SPARKS, Mentoring, and Respite. These programs are funded through the Department of Children and Families (DCF) and referrals are made through the Lead Agency.Youth Care advocates serve as positive role models while developing each youth’s character building skills and assets using a variety of approaches: through one to one contacts, home based services, or group and recreational events.SPARKSSPARKS (Supporting, Productivity, Artistic Expression, Reaching Goals, Knowledge and Skills for Life) is a community based therapeutic after-school program that serves at risk youth and families. Youth ages 12-18 are referred into the program through the DCF. The main goal of this program is to enhance the social and academic skills youth have while in a group setting. Youth care advocates work with teens on developing social and emotional skills, helping them to build tolerance of difference, building the image and acceptance of oneself, and modeling ways to embrace their vibrant and brilliant young minds.MENTORINGMentoring is a structured, one-to-one community based service that uses a strengths based approach. Youth care advocates work with mentees with the goal to provide academic support, emotional support, explore career opportunities, and expose mentees to as many cultural and recreational experiences while out in the community.DAY RESPITEThe respite component of our mentoring program is intended to provide educational and recreational activities to youth involved with the Department of Children and Families who are awaiting placement in foster care, are suspended from school, or are in need of a place to stay for the day. Contact:Danielle Dos Santos, MSW, LCSWDirectorThe Family Based Services Program is located at 403 Main Street in Brockton.